1 I cross the ever-surging sea of life,
Be with me, Lord;
‘Mid winds and currents in their ceaseless strife,
Be with my, Lord;
My barque is fragile, and may not withstand
The billows beating high on ev’ry hand;
Be with me, Lord,
Be with me, Lord.
2 That I may safely pass the reefs and rocks,
Be Thou my guide;
To hold my course amid temptation’s shocks,
Be Thou my guide;
Thy Spirit be the compass in my heart,
Thy Word my perfect, never-failing chart;
Be Thou my guide,
Be Thou my guide.
3 When hover clouds and night to close my day,
Be Thy my light;
When sun and moon and stars all fade away,
Be Thou my light;
Let not the tempest and the midnight gloom
Obscure the passage to the promised home;
Be Thou my light,
Be Thou my light.
4 And when the ever-lasting hills I hail,
Of Thee I’ll sing;
Secure my anchor cast within the vail,
Of Thee I’ll sing;
Forever, as I tread the golden strand,
And walk the holy heights of Beulah Land,
Of Thee I’ll sing,
Of Thee I’ll sing.
Source: Songs of the Kingdom: prepared for the use of young people's societies and adapter for prayer meetings, Sunday schools and the home #131