1 I know, O God, I need Thy watchful care,
Thou callest me when from Thy path I wander;
Thou chidest me when sinful ways Thou breakest;
I know Thy love for me is rich and warm,
Yea, warmest when Thou me most strongly shakest.
2 I know Thou smitest not to do me harm,
Thou lovest me when sinful ways Thou breakest;
I know Thy love for me is rich and warm,
Yea, warmest when Thou me most strongly shakest.
3 And yet each time Thy hand upon me lies,
When I in sin have left Thy call unheeded,
My heart breaks out in loud and bitter cries,
I think Thou smitest more than it is needed.
4 How oft my prayer: "O God, Thy will be done!"
Has unto Thee in confidence ascended;
But when Thy will against mine own has gone,
I knew it was my own that I intended.
5 I waver, then, but know that Thou art right,
Thy guiding hand Thy willful child is training;
Thy yoke is easy, and Thy burden light,
I know I have no reason for complaining.
6 Teach me, O God, to will but what Thou wilt,
And check Thou me when oft mine own I'm seeking;
Chastize Thou me, but take away my guilt,
And give me grace to hear when Thou art speaking.
Source: Hymnal for Church and Home (2nd ed.) #296