1 I love Thee, my Jesus, I cannot say more,
E’en should my words echo from shore unto shore,
But this much again and again I can say,
I love thee, my Jesus, I love thee alway.
I love Thee, I know,
I love Thee, I know;
Whatever betide me, or ever I go,
I love Thee my Jesus, I love thee, I know.
2 I love Thee, O love Thee; the words are so sweet
I could them a thousand times over repeat;
I sing them aloud, and I whisper them low,
I love thee, my Jesus, I love Thee, I know. [Refrain]
3 I love Thee, my Jesus, yea, Thou art to me
More precious than all the world’s treasures could be;
I long for the day I shall see Thy sweet face,
I love Thee, my Jesus, Thou Fountain of grace. [Refrain]
Source: Praise and Promise: for use in Sunday-schools, prayer meetings, revivals, young people's meetings and on special occasions #174