1 I shall not want while Jesus leads,
Nor hunger while my soul he feeds;
My Guide for evermore is he,
His rod and staff they comfort me.
I shall not want, I shall not want,
The Lord my Shepherd is;
In pastures green he feedeth me.
By waters still he leadeth me;
I shall not want, I shall not want.
The Lord my Shepherd is.
2 E’en tho’ I pass thro’ death’s dark vale,
My rod of comfort shall not fail;
The valley’s shade shall not alarm,
I shall not want or suffer harm. [Refrain]
3 I shall not want for joy, for lo,
My cup with grace shall overflow;
My soul by pow’r divine restored,
Loves oil upon my head outpoured. [Refrain]
4 My song thro’ life shall ever b,
Goodness and mercy follow me;
And in God’s house for evermore
I’ll dwell on Canaan’s happy shore. [Refrain]
Source: His Worthy Praise #33