1 I shall see my Saviour’s face, sometime, sometime;
I shall praise Him for His grace, sometime, sometime;
Long and loud my praise shall roll,
As His mercies I extol,
In that homeland of the soul, sometime, sometime.
2 I shall reap what now I sow, sometime, sometime;
By the crystal river’s flow, sometime, sometime;
Since I love my Saviour here,
There is naught for me to fear,
For I shall with Him appear, sometime, sometime.
3 ‘Neath the grassy mound I’ll sleep, sometime, sometime;
Friends above my grave may weep, sometime, sometime;
But with Jesus I shall rise,
Gain my everlasting prize,
Reign with Him beyond the skies, sometime, sometime.
4 I shall join my long lost friends, sometime, sometime;
In that life that never ends, sometime, sometime;
In that blest eternal state,
Where for me they watch and wait,
I shall meet them at the gate, sometime, sometime.
Source: The Voice of Thanksgiving No. 3 #97