1 I shall stand one day at the great white throne;
When the Judge shall speak shall I stand alone?
Will the blood of Christ for my sin atone,
When I stand at the judgment bar?
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar,
Shall my heart be glad or must I be sad,
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar?
2 Will my life of sin like a spectre rise
To accuse my soul of its course unwise
In refusing Christ as my sacrifice,
When I stand at the judgment bar?
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar,
Shall my heart be glad or must I be sad,
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar?
3 Will the memories of the evil past
Throng about my soul, an array so vast?
Will they o’er my spirit their shadow cast
When I stand at the judgment bar?
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar,
Shall my heart be glad or must I be sad,
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar?
4 If my roe is white as the driven snow,
Can the books when opened no evil show;
Then my heart shall sing and rejoice I know,
When I stand at the judgment bar?
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar,
If in Christ I trust then rejoice I must
When I stand at the judgment bar,
When I stand at the judgment bar?
Source: Light and Life Songs No. 3 #13