1 If some great burden bends you low,
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus;
His love will lighten it, I know;
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus.
Just whisper the name of this wonderful friend,
Rich showers of blessing to you he will send
And loving and faithful remain to the end;
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus.
2 If earthly friends forsake your side,
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus;
To none his friendship is denied;
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus. [Refrain]
3 If sin has caused your soul to roam,
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus;
His voice will safely guide you home;
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus. [Refrain]
4 O whatsoever you may need,
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus;
You’ll find in him a friend indeed;
Just tell Jesus, just tell Jesus. [Refrain]
Source: Songs for All #13