1 If some kind wealthy friend should wait,
An earnest suppliant at your gate;
Should knock, and ask admittance there,
To make of you his happy heir,
How long would you delay in doubt,
And keep your benefactor out?
Would you his precious gifts contemn,
And treat with scorn both him and them?
2 How oft your Friend, from heav'n above,
Has knock'd and told you of his love;
From day to day, from year to year
He calls, but oh, you will not hear!
He offers you the pearl of price,
His own most costly merchandise,
A heavenly house, and heavenly lands,
A seat among the angel bands.
3 Say, is it wise in you to shun
A brighter crown than kings have won,
A fortune richer far than all
The gold of this terrestrial ball;
And glory, such as never shone
Around an earthly monarch's throne?
Oh! is it wise in you to slight
Unfading joys--unmix'd delight?
4 Arouse you from your sleep of sin,
And let your heavenly Friend come in;
Once more he knocks, oh! hear his voice,
And you shall in his love rejoice;
The bars remove, the door throw wide,
And bid him in your heart abide:
On earth be Christ your welcome guest,
In heaven with him be ever blest.
Source: The Minstrel of Zion: a book of religious songs, accompanied with appropriate music, chiefly original #46