1 In the distant land of famine,
Faining with the swine to feed,
Oh! how bitter that awak’ning
To my sin and shame and need!
Dark and dreary all around me,
Now no more by sin beguiled,
I would go and seek my Father,
Be a bondsman, not a child.
2 Yet a great way off He saw me,
Ran to kiss me as I came;
As I was, my Father loved me,
Loved me in my sin and shame.
Then a bitter grief I told Him
Of the evil I had done;
Sinned in scorn of Him, my Father,
Was not meet to be His son.
3 But I knew not if He listened,
For He spake not for my sin;
He within His house would have me—
Made me meet to enter in;
From the riches of His glory
Bro’t His costliest raiment forth,
Bro’t the ring that sealed His purpose,
Shoes to tread His golden courts.
4 Put them on—robes of glory,
Spotless as the heav’ns above;
Not to meet my tho’ts of fitness,
But His wondrous tho’ts of love.
Then within His home He led me,
Bro’t me where the feast was spread,
Made me eat with Him, my Father,
I who begged for bondsman’s bread.
5 Not a suppliant at His gateway,
But a son within His home!
To the love, the joy, the singing,
To the glory I am come.
Gathered round that wondrous temple,
Filled with awe, His angels see
Glory lighting up the Holiest,
In that glory Him and me.
Source: Choice Hymns of the Faith #102