1 In the stead of the Lord we beseech you today,
Be ye reconciled, be ye reconciled;
And with purpose of heart from your sins turn away,
And be ye reconciled to God.
We are ambassadors for the King,
We are ambassadors for the King,
And we beseech of you,
Now we beseech of you,
Be ye reconciled to God;
And we beseech of you,
Now we beseech of you,
Be ye reconciled to God.
2 Naught remains to be done, all thy debt Jesus paid,
Be ye reconciled, be ye reconciled;
Your iniquities once upon him have been laid,
O be ye reconciled to God. [Refrain]
3 When the Lord has redeemed you go echo the call,
Be ye reconciled, be ye reconciled;
In the service of Jesus there’s room for us all,
Who have been reconciled to God. [Refrain]
Source: The Old Story in Song Number Two #48