1 In this world I found no rest,
Sorrow filled my aching breast,
Till I turned to One who loved me best of all;
Oh, what sacred peace I find,
Since my all I have resigned!
I have left all the world to follow Jesus.
I have left all the world to follow Jesus,
Never backward to its follies will I turn;
Oh, I’m on my upward way,
And it’s brighter every day;
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus.
2 Oh, what wondrous joy He gives,
While His Spirit in me lives,
For it is my meat and drink to do His will;
He the treasure I adore,
Brightens all my way before;
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus. [Refrain]
3 I am wholly sanctified,
Walking closely by His side,
I will ever cling to Him, my all in all;
Sweetly doth His presence fill,
While I sink into His will,
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus. [Refrain]
4 Earthly treasures fade away,
As I travel day by day
Up the shining way that leads to glory bright;
Soon I’ll gain eternal rest
With the ransomed and the blest;
For I’ve left all the world to follow Jesus. [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)