1 In us the hope of glory
O risen Lord, art Thou:
The firstfruits of the Spirit
Are in us now;
Yet still in dust and ashes
Before Thy throne we kneel;
And in our hearts is hidden
Thy living seal.
2 The whole creation groaneth
In prison chains for Thee:
O rend the veil asunder,
And set us free.
Raise up Thy holy sleepers,
And change Thy saints on earth,
In all, as one, revealing,
The second birth.
3 O come in all Thy glory,
Our great Immanuel;
Come forth, our Prince and Savior,
With us to dwell.
Bring Thine eternal Sabbath,
Bring Thine eternal day,
And cause all grief and sighing,
To flee away.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #9322