1 Is Jesus precious? do you always love Him?
Dearer by far than all else beside?
Are you each moment striving to obey Him,
Faithful to Him whatever betide?
Is Jesus precious?
Do you now love Him
Dearer, far dearer than the whole world beside?
He is your Saviour,
Friend, and blest Redeemer,
He for your sake hath both suffered and died.
2 Is Jesus precious? think how much you owe Him,
Think of the debt He paid on the tree;
Think of His mercy, love, and great forgiveness,
Think of His grace abundant and free. [Refrain]
3 Is Jesus precious? go and now declare it,
Live it, and tell it day after day;
Like Him in spirit, patient, true and tender,
Trying to show to others the way. [Refrain]
4 Is Jesus precious? what will be your answer
When you shall stand at heaven’s bright door?
If it be “yes,” the gates will swing wide open,
But “no,” will shut you out evermore. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #46