Kate D. Ulmer

Short Name: Kate D. Ulmer
Full Name: Ulmer, Kate D., 1874-1950
Birth Year: 1874
Death Year: 1950

Born in Pennsylvania, lived in Dauphin County Pennsylvania with her husband Benjamin E. Ulmer.

Texts by Kate D. Ulmer (197)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A wonderful blessing divineKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
All glory be to Jesus' name, Who died our souls to saveKate Ulmer (Author)English4
All the children, little childrenKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Are you ready for the conflictKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Are you shining for Jesus, my brother? Brightly shining for Him as you go?Kate Ulmer (Author)English3
Are you walking in the sunlight, the sunlight of God's loveKate Ulmer (Author)2
As life's paths I tread I am ever ledKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
At the cross I found my Savior, There my heart was satisfiedKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Be a light for JesusKate Ulmer (Author)4
Bearing fruit for JesusKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Beautiful roses daintily fairKate Ulmer (Author)2
Beautiful roses now bloom everywhereMiss Kate Ulmer (Author)English2
Before Thy mercy seat we bowKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Blessed peace that Jesus givesKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Blessed Savior, be Thou near me, Keep me ever at Thy sideKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Blessed Savior, Friend unfailingKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Child of God, O hear Him sayingKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Children are the lambs of JesusKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Closer Lord, O, closer draw meKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Dios de este mundo es el autorKate Ulmer (Author)Spanish2
Each shining little sunbeamKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Every star so brightly singingKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Far out on the mountain, so dark and so coldKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Forever I will bless the dayKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Freely in beauty, in strength and powerKate Ulmer (Author)3
From the vineyard of the MasterKate Ulmer (Author)2
Give glory to Jesus the Savior of menKate Ulmer (Author)English2
God made this great round world so fairKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Golden light is streaming over hill and daleKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Hallelujah, Jesus hath carried my sorrowsKate Ulmer (Author)2
Hark, O hark, a call for workersKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Hark, O hark, the joyful chorusKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Hark, the Master calls to theeKate Ulmer (Author)2
Hark, the swelling songKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Hark, the voice of Jesus calling to the frayKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Hark, through the night ring strainsKate Ulmer (Author)2
Have you joined the royal army of the crossKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Hear the bells of Christmas, how they ring againKate Ulmer (Author)3
Hear the loving Savior callingKate Ulmer (Author)2
Heavenly Father, hear us, as we bow in prayerKate Ulmer (Author)English2
His grace aboundeth moreKate D. Ulmer (Author)2
How dark the hours and drearyKate Ulmer (Author)2
How gloomy, dark and dreary this pleasant world would beKate Ulmer (Author)English3
How shall I tell the matchless loveKate Ulmer (Author)English4
How sweet amid the perilsKate Ulmer (Author)English2
How we love the Christmas treeKate Ulmer (Author)2
Hur ljufligt 'r ordet om JesusKate Ulmer (Author)2
I am happy, O so happy, All my life is one glad songKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
I fear not the clouds that my sky may bedimKate Ulmer (Author)English3
I have found a place of refugeKate Ulmer (Author)English2
I know of a story more precious than goldKate Ulmer (Author)English3
I want to be like Jesus, I want to heed His wordKate Ulmer (Author)English4
If Christ's disciples we would beKate Ulmer (Author)English2
I'm just a sinner saved by graceKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
I'm trusting in Jesus, and O, it is sweetKate Ulmer (Author)English2
I'm walking with Jesus, my Savior divineKate Ulmer (Author)2
In God's fair garden plantedKate Ulmer (Author)English2
In sin I once had wandered all weary, sad and loneKate Ulmer (Author (attributed to))English1
In the Master's vineyard, There is work for allKate Ulmer (Author)English4
In the mighty conflict with the hosts of sinKate Ulmer (Author)English3
In the name of Jesus We will march alongKate Ulmer (Author)English2
In this world, where sin is so appallingKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Is Jesus precious? do you always love Him?Kate Ulmer (Author)English2
Jesus calls the little onesKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Jesus ever keep me near TheeKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
Jesus hears me when I prayKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Jesus is calling for workers todayKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Jesus is mine and I am His, O could there be a higher blissKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
Jesus is our dearest Friend (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)2
Jesus, Jesus, is our song todayKate Ulmer (Author)English1
Jesus loves the little children, His is love that can't be toldKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Jesus, Master, at Thy feetKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Jesus our Lord high over allKate Ulmer (Author)English5
Jesus our loving RedeemerKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Jesus our Savior, fill us with Thy loveKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Jesus, precious Savior, thou hast made me wholeKate Ulmer (Author)2
Lär mig, o du helge andeKate Ulmer (Author)Swedish2
Let us all together standKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Lift on high the bannerKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Linger never in the valleyKate Ulmer (Author)English2
List, list to the Savior's voiceKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Little birdies in the morningKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Little lights for Jesus we may be each dayKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Little seed so dark and roundKate Ulmer (Author)3
Lo a burst of gloryKate Ulmer (Author)2
Long ago a shining throngKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Lord Jesus, bless our offeringKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Many little children far awayKate Ulmer (Author)2
Mercy is free, wondrous news from aboveKate Ulmer (Author)2
Merry, merry Christmas (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)2
Missionaries we may beKate Ulmer (Author)3
More and more like Jesus I would ever beKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
My feet should walk the narrow wayKate Ulmer (Author)English2
My heart overfloweth with rapturous songKate Ulmer (Author)English2
My life is full of sunshine, My lips overflow with songKate Ulmer (Author)English2
My Savior died that I might live, And now my life to Him I giveKate Ulmer (Author)English4
My soul from bonds of sinKate Ulmer (Author)2
Never let a shade of care rest on your browKate Ulmer (Author)English6
Now my sins are washed awayKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O hear the merry, merry rainKate Ulmer (Author)2
O how we love to sing of JesusKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O hungry soul to Jesus fleeKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O let us as again we meetKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O let us sing in joyful layKate Ulmer (Author)English3
O my Savior, Thou art preciousKate Ulmer (Author)English3
O radiant starKate Ulmer (Author)3
O tell me the story of Jesus, the wonderful Savior of men (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)English3
O the presence of my SaviorKate Ulmer (Author)2
O the world is full of sorrow, full of sin and dark despairKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O 'tis sweet to know that JesusKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O, 'tis sweet to rest my soul on Christ's own promiseKate Ulmer (Author)English5
O 'tis sweet to serve the MasterKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
O weary one wandering in darknessKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O what a wonderful Savior In Jesus my Lord I have foundKate Ulmer (Author)English26
Over the rugged path of dutyKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Often when my faith would falterKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
O dark was the long, weary nightKate Ulmer (Author)English2
O sweet is the story of Jesus, The sweetest that ever was toldKate Ulmer (Author)English2
On dark Calvery's rugged browKate Ulmer (Author)English2
On the cross of Calvary, Jesus shed His blood for me (Ulmer)Kate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
Onward, like a mighty river, full and free, and deep and wideKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Over hill and valley ring the blossom bellsKate Ulmer (Author)English7
Pennies we are bringingKate Ulmer (Author)2
Precious Savior, how I need TheeKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Redeemed, O wondrous storyKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Ringing from the mountain floating over the plainKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Saved for a purpose, O Lord, can it beKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Savior, I have heard Thee whisperKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Savior, we pray Thee, keep us day by dayKate Ulmer (Author)4
Savior, dear Savior, all praise to Thy nameKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Shining little candles, Burning bright, burning brightKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Softly beaming, brightly gleamingKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Songs of joy echoing sweet and clearKate Ulmer (Author)English5
Songs of rejoicing flowing unceasingKate Ulmer (Author)2
Source of all blessing, O bless meKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Such a wonderful Redeemer I have foundKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Suffer little children, Let them come to me (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)English2
Sunlight is flowing in fullness todayKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Sunny June has come againKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Sweet is the message of full and free salvationKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Sweetest lessons faith may gatherKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Take the cross, shrink not, nor falterKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Teach me, O Thou Holy SpiritKate Ulmer (Author)English15
Temperance boys and girls are we (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)English5
The beautiful summer days so brightKate Ulmer (Author)2
The Easter bells are ringing (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)2
The Master said, come learn of meKate Ulmer (Author)English3
The peace of God dwells in my soulKate D. Ulmer (Author)English2
The peace of God my glad heart thrillsKate Ulmer (Author)English2
The sea of life rolls gently on, and peacefully we glideKate Ulmer (Author)English2
The Sunday school army is marching along (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)English2
The vineyard of the Lord is great the laborers are fewKate Ulmer (Author)English2
There's a beautiful city by angel feet trodKate Ulmer (Author)English2
There's a blessed day comingKate Ulmer (Author)English2
There's a glorious work to do, but the laborers are fewKate Ulmer (Author)English2
There's a land of wondrous beauty, In the heavenly regions brightKate Ulmer (Author)English2
These little hands belong to JesusKate Ulmer (Author)2
Through the clouds that hover over usKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Through the golden sunlit airKate Ulmer (Author)English2
To Thee we lift our joyful voicesKate Ulmer (Author)English2
To thy heart, dear Master, take meKate Ulmer (Author)2
Upward, ever upward, to the promised landKate Ulmer (Author)English4
Use gentle words and actionsKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Wake, O earth, from slumberKate Ulmer (Author)2
Walking as my Savior leadeth, heavenward I goKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We are happy little pilgrims, singing as we goKate Ulmer (Author)English5
We are happy little workersKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We are loyal soldiers, Jesus is our KingKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We are marching on to the land of loveKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We are pilgrims, we are strangers in this changing world belowKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We are soldiers in the army of the mighty King of kings (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)English2
We are soldiers of the King though we are but smallKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We are soldiers of the King battling in His nameKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We have blessed news to bring, 'tis a message from the KingKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We have broken the chainKate Ulmer (Author)2
We lift our hearts, Lord JesusKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We walk by faith and not by sight, Yet all our onward path is lightKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Weary soul, thy Savior diedKate Ulmer (Author)English14
We're a happy pilgrim band, Traveling to the better landKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We're growing up for JesusKate Ulmer (Author)English2
We've a glorious hope to cheer usKate Ulmer (Author)English8
When Jesus lived upon the earth (Ulmer)Kate Ulmer (Author)English2
When life's stormy billows rise like mountains highKate Ulmer (Author)English2
When life's trials all are overKate Ulmer (Author)English3
When my heart is heavy ladenKate Ulmer (Author)English2
When the heart is distressedKate Ulmer (Author)English2
When the shadows thickly gatherKate Ulmer (Author)English7
When the storms of life are over, When the sails are fulrled for ayeMiss Kate Ulmer (Author)English4
When wearied with toiling and careKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Where our captain leads us we will follow onKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Where shall I flee for refuge?Kate Ulmer (Author)English5
While my trust is stayed on JesusKate Ulmer (Author)English2
With happy hearts and joyful songKate Ulmer (Author)English2
Would keep in touch with Jesus every dayKate Ulmer (Author)English3
Would you know God's will alone?Kate Ulmer (Author)1
Ye people of the living GodKate Ulmer (Author)English2
主恩實在更多!主恩實在更多 (Zhǔ ēn shízài gèng duō! Zhǔ ēn shízài gèng duō)Kate D. Ulmer (Author)Chinese2
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