1 I've received a mighty blessing from above,
And my heart is filled with glory and with love,
I am trusting in the Lord,
Resting wholly on His word,
All His holy will my life shall daily prove.
Filled with love, holy love!
O my heart is filled with glory and with love!
What a fellowship divine!
I am Christ's and He is mine,
Day by day He fills my heart with peace and love.
2 He has crown'd me with the Spirit of His grace,
He has thrill'd me with the shining of His face,
He has filled Himself my heart,
May He never thence depart,
But fore'er abide my righteousness and peace. [Refrain]
3 Be exalted in Thy might and strength, O God,
Let Thy praises ev'ry moment spread abroad,
Till the everlasting day,
Let Thy Spirit with us stay,
Making ev'ry heart devoted His abode. [Refrain]
4 Let Thine enemies be scattered far and wide,
Thine anointed save from enmity and pride,
Wash us daily from all sin,
Keep Thy throne our hearts within,
Keep us boldly, clearly, sweetly sanctified. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #158