1 Jesus hath redeemed me and I gladly sing His praise,
That the world may know the wonders of His love;
Telling how to win me from the error of my ways,
Jesus left His throne above.
Jesus my Saviour, Jesus my Saviour,
Infinite God of Love, leaving His throne above,
Jesus, my Saviour, Jesus my Saviour,
Dying from sin to set me free.
2 Jesus hath redeemed me, hallelujah to His name!
From the pow’r of evil He hath set me free;
Now with joy I hasten all the goodness to proclaim
Of the Christ who died for me. [Refrain]
3 Jesus hath redeemed me, what a wondrous love is this!
Gave His life a ransom on the cruel tree;
Now my soul He filleth with a sweet, abiding bliss,
And His Spirit lives in me. [Refrain]
Source: The Gospel Chorus: for use in prayer meetings, young people's societies and revivals #91