1 Jesus, I love Thee,
Thou art my dearest friend;
With me, till life shall end,
Graciously be;
Thy promise I believe,
Thy peace let me receive,
Heaven’s choicest blessings give,
Saviour to me.
2 Jesus, I trust Thee,
Thy should I know a fear.
Since Thou to me so near
Ever wilt be?
My heavy burdens share,
Help me my griefs to bear,
Bring me, through every care,
Closer to Thee.
3 Jesus, I need Thee
All through life’s weary way;
O grant me still, I pray,
Grace full and free;
So shall i ne’er repine,
Each woe will but refine;
Make me entirely Thine,
Saviour, to be.
Source: The Bright Array #115