1 Jesus is victor, Jesus is King;
Let men and angels, praise to him sing.
Hail ev’ry nation,
Hail all creation,
“Peace unto earth and good will to men.”
Radiance beaming, brightly gleaming,
Star of beauty wondrously shining,
Glory! glory! beautiful story,
Watching shepherds heard so long ago.
2 Bright was the morning when o’er the earth,
Music proclaiming, told of his birth;
Wondrous the story,
Telling his glory,
Jesus the Son unto men has come. [Refrain]
3 Monarch of ages, ruler of all;
Victor for mankind lost in the fall.
Now with oblation,
Glad adoration,
Jesus our Lord, is the name adored. [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #160