Suenan melodías en mi ser

Translator: Speros Demetrios Athans

Speros Demetrios Athans was born 1883 in Turkey. Raised in the Greek Or­tho­dox Church, Ath­ans left home at age 15, af­ter his fa­ther’s death. He spent two years on the is­land of Cor­fu, Greece, and two more in Egypt, then went to Great Bri­tain, where he worked as a sail­or. In 1903 he went to Am­er­i­ca, and dur­ing im­mi­gra­tion pro­cess­ing, some­one gave him a New Tes­ta­ment in Greek. A year lat­er, he joined a Naz­a­rene church in Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois. He then en­rolled in a Bi­ble school and un­i­ver­si­ty. While in school in Ca­li­for­nia, he be­gan to stu­dy Span­ish and to work with the La­ti­no com­mu­ni­ty. In 1910 he de­cid­ed to work in ev­an­gel­ism. In 1931, he joined… Go to person page >

Author: Elton Menno Roth

Roth attended the Fort Wayne (Indiana) Bible School and the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. He worked with traveling evangelist tours, and was a music teacher at the Alliance Bible schools in St. Paul, Minnesota, and New York City; the Bible Institute, Los Angeles, California; Baptist Theological College; and City College of Los Angeles. His Ecclesia Choir toured throughout America in 1931. He wrote over 100 hymns, and a number of anthems. --© Cyber Hymnal™ ( Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: Jesús me dio un dulce canto
Title: Suenan melodías en mi ser
English Title: I have a song that Jesus gave me
Translator: Speros Demetrios Athans
Author: Elton Menno Roth
Language: Spanish
Refrain First Line: Suenan melodías en mi ser, sí
Copyright: Tr. © Speros D. Athans



Instances (1 - 2 of 2)

Himnario Adventista del Séptimo Día #353

Praise y Adoración #343b

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