1 Jesus, my Savior, died,
Nailed to the tree—
Cruelly crucified,
Stricken for me!
Darkness there shut Him in!
God judged Him for my sin!
Jesus, my soul to win,
Died there for me!
2 Jesus, my Savior, rose
Out of the grave!
Captive He led my foes,
My soul to save!
Jesus in Heaven now,
Glory upon His brow,
Calleth to men below,
Sinners to save!
3 Jesus, my Savior, lives
For me above;
Mercy and grace He gives
Greely in love;
By my infirmity
Tenderly moved is He;
Sweet is His sympathy,
Sweet is His love!
4 Jesus!—beyond the sky,
Now on God’s throne,
Looking with loving eye
Down on Thine own;
Soon in that wondrous place
Sweetly we’ll sing Thy grace,
Gazing upon Thy face—
All of Thine own!
Source: Choice Hymns of the Faith #111