1 Jesus, name all names above,
Jesus, best and dearest,
Jesus, Fount of perfect love,
holiest, tend'rest, nearest:
Jesus, source of grace completest,
Jesus, purest, Jesus, sweetest,
Jesus, well of pow'r divine,
make me, keep me, seal me thine!
2 Thou didst call the prodigal;
thou didst pardon Mary,
thou whose words can never fall,
love can never vary,
Lord, to heal my lost condeition
give (for thou canst give) contrition;
thou canst pardon all my ill
if thou wilt; O say, "I will!"
3 Jesus, open me the gate
that the robber enter'd,
who in that most lost estate
wholly on thee ventured.
Thou whose wounds are ever pleading,
and thy Passion interceding,
from my sins, O let me rise
to a home in paradise!
Source: Rejoice in the Lord #308