1 Jesus, the tender Shepherd,
Needs you the lost to seek,
Needs you to lift the fallen,
Strengthen and help the weak.
Some of His lambs are wand'ring
Out on the hills astray;
To gather them in from the fields of sin,
Jesus needs you today.
Jesus needs you today,
(Jesus needs you, needs you today,)
Jesus needs you;
(Jesus needs you, needs yo today;)
Not some other, but you, my brother,
Arise, and away!
Jesus needs you, Jesus needs you;
(Jesus needs you, needs you,)
Not some other, but you, my brother,
Yes, Jesus needs you today.
2 Needs you to feed the hungry,
From His abundant store;
Bind up the brokenhearted;
Visit the sick and poor:
Needs you to scatter sunshine,
All along life's rough way;
Some hearts to make glad, that are lonely and sad,
Jesus needs you today. [Chorus]
3 Needs you to tell the story,
Old, and yet always new;
Some one will fail to hear it,
Unless 'tis told by you;
Ready for any service,
Close by His side to stay;
The sickle to wield in life's harvest-field,
Jesus needs you today. [Chorus]
Source: The New Praiseworthy: for the Church and Sunday School #156