Joyful God of youth and children,
God of all who hold them dear,
Source of faith and understanding,
Perfect Love that casts out fear,
we have gathered in your presence,
with glad hearts and songs of praise,
for a grateful celebration
of your wise and wondrous ways.
In your wisdom, God, you set us
as your people in this place,
bid us welcome friend and stranger
to the garden of your grace.
In this fertile field, with wonder,
we have watched our children grow
in the faith that first was scattered
by the saints of long ago.
At the font the seed was planted
for the faith that blooms today.
It was watered by the Spirit,
fed according to Love’s Way.
In the home this faith was nurtured
like a seedling, with great care;
in the church by songs and stories
faithful teachers had to share.
God, the faith that's come to flower
is now ready to bear fruit.
Gift our children with your Spirit,
make them strong and resolute.
In this rite of confirmation,
bless the solemn vows they make,
that each one may follow Jesus,
living always for his sake.
Alternate 4th stanza for times other than Confirmation:
Now as faith begins to flower
and is ready to bear fruit,
gift our children with your Spirit,
make them strong and resolute.
Listen to their affirmations,
hear the heartfelt prayers they make,
as they seek to follow Jesus,
living always for his sake.
Source: The Song Lingers On: new hymns for our journey of faith #13