1 Lead me, lead me, O my Savior,
Help me not to out-step Thee;
More than mother guards her loved ones,
O my Lord, do Thou guard me.
Not one step without Thy guidance,
Not one word against Thy will;
Not one tho’t nor deed nor action,
Just Thy wished to fulfill.
2 Guide me, guide me, O my Savior,
Lead Thou me in tho’t and mind;
May the wand’rer o’er life’s pathway
In my life Thy presence find. [Refrain]
3 Hide me, hide me, O my Savior,
In Thy loving, tender heart;
As an heir unto Thy kingdom
Strengthen me to do my part. [Refrain]
4 Use me, use me, O my Savior,
In obedience to Thy voice;
May my deeds be but an answer
To Thy calling, not my choice. [Refrain]
Source: Glad Gospel Songs #21