1 Let us be joyful, we that are Christian,
Lift heart and voice in jubilant song;
So many reasons have we for gladness,
We should be singing all the day long.
Let us rejoice with jubilant singing
Over the treasures revealed in His Word,
sing of the love of Christ who redeemed us,
Singing with grace in our hearts to the Lord.
2 Once we were aliens, now we are children,
Once, groping blindly, now we can see;
"All we like sheep" were helplessly straying,
Now in the fold of the Shepherd are we. [Chorus]
3 Wondrous the girts and bounteous the blessings
Which we as heirs of grace have received;
Life more abundant, peace like a river,
Love passing knowledge, since we believed. [Chorus]
4 Let us be joyful, singing together
Hymns of thanksgiving, anthems of praise;
With songs of rapture, psalms of devotion,
Ringing hosannas, filling our days. [Chorus]
Source: Reformed Press Hymnal: an all around hymn book which will meet the requirements of every meeting where Christians gather for praise #6