Thomas O. Chisholm

Thomas O. Chisholm
Short Name: Thomas O. Chisholm
Full Name: Chisholm, Thomas O. 1866-1960
Birth Year: 1866
Death Year: 1960

Thomas O. Chisholm was born in Franklin, Kentucky in 1866. His boyhood was spent on a farm and in teaching district schools. He spent five years as editor of the local paper at Franklin. He was converted to Christianity at the age of 26 and soon after was business manager and office editor of the "Pentecostal Herald" of Louisville, Ky. In 1903 he entered the ministry of the M. E. Church South. His aim in writing was to incorporate as much as Scripture as possible and to avoid flippant or sentimental themes.

Dianne Shapiro, from "The Singers and Their Songs: sketches of living gospel hymn writers" by Charles Hutchinson Gabriel (Chicago: The Rodeheaver Company, 1916)
Signed letter from Chisholm dated 9 August 1953 located in the DNAH Archives.

Texts by Thomas O. Chisholm (297)sort descendingAsAuthority LanguagesInstances
A call to the colors is ringing loud and clearThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
A little while longer, "the heat and the burden"Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
A question of deepest solemnityThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
A stranger so long to the grace of GodThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
After a while we shall finish the journeyThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
أحيا لربي أعلي لواهThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Arabic1
أحيا لربي حياة الوفاءThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Arabic1
All day long hath God invitedThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
All my sins, which were many, now are gone, gone foreverT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
All of my need he freely suppliethT. O. Chisholm (Author)6
Amid the changing scenes below, Where many come and many goThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Amid the toil and cares of life, That press on every sideT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Art thou distressed on account of sinThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
As I journey on along life's changeful wayThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
As 'mid life's tangled maze I standT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
As onward you press toward the heavenly goalT. O. Chisholm (Author)English5
As through earth's changing scenes I goThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English5
At peace with God: How blest I amThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
At the Father's throne aboveT. O. Chisholm (Author)5
Awake, thou that sleepest, unconscious of harmT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Away from Satan's hard and cruel bondageThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Back to my Father and homeT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Be with me, Lord, I cannot live without TheeT. O. Chisholm (Author)25
Be ye kind one to another, Words are these of purest goldT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Behold! One cometh in the wayThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English24
Behold, one standeth at the door, Who seeks thy guest to beT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Bleibend ist deine Treu, o Gott mein VaterThomas O. Chisholm, 1866-1960 (Author)German2
Bless the Lord, O my soul, for His mercy and graceThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Bring Christ your broken lifeThomas O. Chisholm (Author)18
Buried with Christ, my blessed RedeemerT. O. Chisholm (Author)22
By grace are ye saved, saith the word of the LordThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Calm me, O God, and keep me calmT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Caminando voy a la ciudad mejorThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Spanish2
Christ is risen from the dead, He is risen as He saidThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Come unto me, O tender words of JesusT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Come with me and I will show youThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Come ye apart, it is the Lord who calls usThomas O. Chisholm, 1866-1960 (Author)English8
Conscious of pardoned sinT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Could we but look into the coming yearsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Dark though the clouds in the skies overheadThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Darker than midnight the stain of my sinThomas O. Chisholm (Author)4
Do thy prayers to God seem unavailingT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Do you carry burdens hard to bearT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Dreaming, still dreaming? O slumbering soulT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Earth is not all, there is a better countryT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Faint and weary in life's toilsome wayThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Fainting pilgrim, worn and wearyT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
فاقت أمانة ربي الأوصافThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Arabic1
Far back in the ages pastT. O. Chisholm (Author)English13
Father, thy way was rightThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Fierce are the gales that drive my barkThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Fighting life's battles unaided, aloneThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Fighting the battles of life aloneThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
For tender mercies new each dayT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
From paths of pleasure, ease and sinThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
From this time forth, I would be trueT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
父阿,在你並無轉動的影兒 (Fù ā, zài nǐ bìng wú zhuǎndòng de yǐng er)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)Chinese2
Fue molido por nuestra culpaThomas O. Chisholm, 1866-1960 (Author)Spanish2
Go and bear thy brother's burdenThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
God has a will, God has a planThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
God helping me, I renounce the world todayT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
God is good, the heavens declare itT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
God knoweth the way that I takeThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
God offers now His great salvationThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
God sets before you life and death togetherT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
God's love has followed me alwaysThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Grande, Señor es tu misericordiaThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Spanish2
Grande Tu és, ó Pai, em lealdadeThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Great is Thy faithfulness, O God my FatherThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English181
Have you lost the joy and the deep, sweet peaceT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
He bore the cross, the heavy crossT. O. Chisholm (Author)4
He gave Himself for my redemptionT. O. Chisholm (Author)English5
He is able, though I am all weaknessThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
He is with me, Christ is with meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
He loved me first! Ah! that was whyT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
He reigns as King, Who for us wore the cruel thornsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
He thinks of me, God thinks of meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
He was wounded for our transgressions (Chisholm)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)English13
He who follows Jesus shall not walk in darknessThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Hear what the Lord hath done for meT. O. Chisholm (Author)3
His eye will guide, Assurance dearT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
His grace is for me all sufficientT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
His love is more than all my dreamsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Hope, thou in God, my fainting soulThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
How dark and how hopeless this world would have beenThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
How good is God, His mercies manifoldT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
How long, O Lord, shall evil triumphT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
How sweet were the words of the SaviorThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
活著為耶穌,只望能單純 (Huózhe wèi yēsū, zhǐ wàng néng dānchún)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)Chinese2
I am not alone; Christ, my Lord, is with meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
I am the Vine, ye are the branches, Wonderful teaching, wondrously trueThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English6
I am trusting, fully trustingThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I belong to Him who saved me from my sinThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
I can do all thingsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I come to the tomb where they laid HimT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
I have a Friend, a faithful Friend, He died, from destruction to save meT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
I have a friend, a wondrous friendT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
I have a friend more faithfulThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English5
I have a house not made with hands, Eternal in the heavens it standsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
I have committed my soul unto JesusThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I have constant peace and gladnessThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I have constant peace in my inmost soulThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
I have one deep, supreme desireThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English7
I have seen a loving motherT. O. Chisholm (Author)3
I have sinned O Lord, forgive meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
I heard a voice, a still small voiceT. O. Chisholm (Author)English5
I know not what of pain or griefThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
I left it all with Jesus, The load of sin I boreRev. T. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
I love the Lord, my wounded LordThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I love thee, Lord Jesus, thou knowest I doThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I love to sing of the love of JesusT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
I must go on, I cannot falterThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I need not die, another diedThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I rejoice in Christ, my SaviorThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
I sat alone at eveningThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I strove to grasp the thought of GodThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
I well remember when I sawThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English6
I will not fear, my God is trueThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
If I can live my life with single heartT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
If, to gain the whole world, I should lose my own soulT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
I'm nearing yonderland, not far awayThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
I'm weary, so weary of living in sinThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
In perfect peace, I read the promise o'erT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
In the crimson blush of morning, in the glitter of the mornT. O. Chisholm (Author)English1
In the day the Lord returnethThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
In the thunder of the oceanThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Is the Lord in your heartThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Is there no other name that lost sinners can plead?Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Is thy soul cast down withinThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
It cannot be that when we dieT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
It is better not to know what the future holdsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Jesus, I am not alone, Thou art hereThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Jesus knows when heavy burdensT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Jesus, my Lord and my MasterThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Jesus only can relieve usThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Jesus turned my darkestT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
ജീവി-ച്ചീടുന്ന-തു യേശു-വിന്നായ് (Jivi-ccīṭunna-tu yēśu-vinnāy)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)Malayalam2
Just a little while, and the day will dawnThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English6
Just to know that Jesus loves me With a tenderness so greatT. O. Chisholm (Author)English7
Keep me, Lord Jesus keep meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Keep me, Savior, keep meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Let not thy heart be troubled, God's anxiousThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Let us be joyful, we that are ChristianT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Let us rejoice in the grace of GodThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English5
Let us return unto the LordThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Like a swiftly flowing riverThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Listen to the voice of Jesus calling, Calling to all the weary and distressedThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Listen while I tell how Jesus saved my soulThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Living for Jesus a life that is trueT. O. Chisholm (Author)English151
Lo! all white are the fields to the harvestT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Longing for peace knowing where to turnThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Lord, I know not what to doThomas O. Chisholm (Author)5
Lord Jesus, I am longingT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Lord Jesus, my SaviorThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Lord, teach us to pray, as in thy presence kneelingT. O. Chisholm (Author)3
Lost ones that wander mid dangers untoldThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Love found a way, yes, love found a wayT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Love not the world, O ChristianThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English6
祢的信实广大,我神我天父 (Mí de xìnshí guǎngdà, wǒ shén wǒ tiān fù)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)Chinese2
Mine is a story of infinite loveT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
My life is hid with Christ in God, O, glorious mystery of graceT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
My song shall be of Jesus; Dearest of themes is HeThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
My soul is glad today, a joy within me springsT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
No angel song, no manger bedT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Not alone in heaven aboveThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Not always will trouble beset usT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Not by deeds that I have doneThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Not mine these hands at will to useThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
O hear the words, the tender words of JesusT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
O how precious are the promises of God to meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
O Jesus, Lord and Savior, I give myself to Thee (Chorus)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)English1
O Jesus, may thy dying loveThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
O my sins were great, they were mountain highThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
O soul far away in the wilderness strayingThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
O thoughtless one, to forgivenessThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
O to be like Thee, blessed Redeemer, This is my constant longing and prayerT. O Chisholm (Author)English99
O what a joy and peace are mineThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
哦,我要像你!可愛的救主 (Ó, wǒ yào xiàng nǐ! Kě'ài de jiù zhǔ)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)Chinese2
Of all the treasures that I ownT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Of Christ my Lord my song shall beThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Oft when the shadows gather around meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Oh, Dios eterno, tu misericordiaThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Spanish12
O to be wholly cleansed from sinT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
O what a happy state is mineT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
On the other side is a land of wonderT. O. Chisholm (Author)English9
Once I loved to choose my wayThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Once I was lost, but Christ, the Shepherd, found meThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
One is with me always whom I cannot seeT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
One life to live, but one, but oneT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
One summer eve, I heard a strain of sweetest harmonyT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Only believe, 'tis the word of the SaviorThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Only in Thee, O Savior mineT. O. Chisholm (Author)English32
Out in the wilderness, wild and drearT. O. Chisholm (Author)English31
Patro kaj Dio, Vi ege fidelasThomas Obadiah Chisholm (Author)2
Pilgrims to a better countryT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Redeemed and saved, for me the Savior sufferedT. O. Chisholm (Author)English15
Sailing so lightly over sunlit seasT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Salvador mío, como tú eresThomas Chisholm (Author)Spanish3
Savior, I'm weak and wearyT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Sing the sweet story we often have heardT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Some year will be the last yearT. O. Chisholm (Author)English9
Somebody here bears a weary loadT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Sometimes there comes a longingT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Somewhere, there are burdens too heavy to bearT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Tenho um desejo especialThomas Obediah Chisholm (Author)Portuguese2
The darkness hangs around my wayT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
The day is approaching when all must appearT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
The eyes of God are on youThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
The foxes had holes and the birds had their nestsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
The gospel message you have heardThomas O. Chisholm (Author)4
The Lord is my Light, my Salvation, my SongThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
The Lord of hosts is with us stillThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
The mercies of God! what a theme for my songThomas O. Chisholm, 1866-1960 (Author)English8
The soul that sinneth, it shall dieT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
The time is short, the years are flyingThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
There is a land beyond earth's changeful skiesThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
There is a land beyond our mortal visionThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
There is a land beyond our sight, unmarred by sin, undimmed by nightThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
There is a land that lieth well beyondThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
There is a Name more dear to me Than any other name could beT. O. Chisholm (Author)English6
There is a place of refuge for every troubled soulT. O. Chisholm (Author)English9
There is a prayer I long to prayThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
There is a way that seemeth right, And myriads travel thereThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
There is but one name, among men, or in heavenRev. T. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
There is forgiveness, O how free and completeThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
There remaineth a rest to the people of God, When this life with its labor is doneT. O. Chisholm (Author)English3
There was one who came from heavenT. O. Chisholm (Author)English8
There's a place where I ever would abideThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
There's a song in my heart (Chisholm)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
There's a theme that never will grow oldThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
There's only one way to the kingdom of GodT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
This is not death, our friends are asleepThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
This is not our restThomas O. Chisholm (Author)4
This world hath many beauties rareThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Though you've wandered in your sinsT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Thou sayest I am rich with goodsThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Thou who art faint and wearyThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Though millions have answered the gospel callThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
Though these eyes see not the MasterThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
Thy will, O God, not mine, be doneThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English5
Thy word is very pure, O LordT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Tired of sin and tired of strayingThomas O. Chisholm (Author)8
To be with Christ, O dream of all the dearest T. O. Chisholm (Author)2
To see His face, my Savior's faceThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English6
To whom shall we go with our burdens of sinRev. T. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Today is for toil and achievementThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Touch not the book my fatherThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Troubled soul and tempest drivenThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Trust in the Lord with all thine heart, This is God's gracious commandThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English15
Tu és fiel, Senhor, meu Pai celesteThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Portuguese3
உம் கிருபை தயவும் மகா பெரிது (Um kirupai tayavum makā peritu)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)Tamil2
വാക്കു മാറാത്തതാം വിശ്വസ്ത നാഥാ (Vākku māṟāttatāṁ viśvasta nāthā)Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)Malayalam2
Vivo pro Cristo, confiando en su amorThomas O. Chisholm (Author)Spanish13
Wait on the Lord, ye who would have His blessingT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Wanderer in the desert wildThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
We are soldiers in the war for the cause of ChristThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
We have sinned, O Lord, against theeThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
We know in part, our eyes are dimT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
We shall be changedThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
We thank Thee, O God, for the gifts Thou hast givenT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
What did it mean when Jesus cameT. O. Chisholm (Author)English5
What if today skies are thickly becloudedThomas O. Chisholm (Author)3
What is your life, 'tis a tale that is toldThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
What shall I do when the day is darkT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Whatever ills may overtake meT. O. Chisholm (Author)4
Whatever may come to meT. O. Chisholm (Author)7
When days are dark and rough the goingThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
When I come to the gates of the city of God (Nixon)T. O. Chisholm (Arr.)English1
When I was far from God, filled with fear and deep distressT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
When I was lost in sin's dark night, Who could have led me to the lightThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English3
When Jesus taught in Galilee, so many years agoThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
When my feet had gone astrayT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
When my way is over-shadowedThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
When the burden pressesT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
When the clouds are hanging over theeT. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
When the last hour comes in our life's brief dayThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English4
When the way is so dark that no light we can seeThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
When weary with my burdensThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
When will you cease from God to strayT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
When you do a kindly deedThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Whenever I read the wondrous storyT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Where are thy sins, friend, where are thy sins?T. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Where art thou, soul in secret hidingThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Where is your faith, my brother? This would the Master knowT. O. Chisholm (Author)English6
"While it is day" my hands must be busyT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
While songs resound through all the earthT. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
While we were yet sinners, condemned and undoneThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Who can relieve us of burdens we bearThomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Who doth know the secret pain I feelT. O. Chisholm (Author)2
Who is this coming with garments redT. O. Chisholm (Author)English8
Whoso offers praise, glorifies the MasterThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
With Him, the Lord my RedeemerRev. T. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Would you be freed from your burden of sinThomas O. Chisholm, 1866-1960 (Author)English4
Would you be saved with God's wondrous salvation?Thomas O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Would you find the feast whence joy unfailing springs?T. O. Chisholm (Author)English2
Ye who are waiting for work to doThomas O. Chisholm (Author)2
Years I spent in sin and follyRev. T. O. Chisholm (Author)English4
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