1 Lo! a poor and needy sinner To the cross I cling,
Save me, Lord, save me, Lord!
Nothing great have I to offer, Nought but sin I bring,
Save me, Lord, save me, Lord!
Yes, I know He died for sinners On Mount Calvary;
And with joy I hear his loving voice, "I died for thee,"
I am coming blessed Savior, To Thy arms I fly,
Save me, Lord, save me, Lord.
2 There is perfect peace and pardon For the sin-sick soul,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
Thro' the cleansing blood of Jesus, Sinners are made whole,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
"Come, and drink ye of the fountain, That is flowing free;
Come, and low before your Savior humbly bow the knee.
If you come believing, trusting, He will cleanse your soul,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
3 There's a house of many mansions That is built on high,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
Where His chosen shall be gathered To Him bye and bye,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord!
Just a few more years of toiling For the Master here;
Just a few more pray'rs to heaven till the goal we near,
Till he bids us "Come up higher," To that home above,
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord.
Source: Crowning Glory No. 1: a choice collection of gospel hymns #163