1 Lone pilgrim, cease that mournful sigh:
Look up! redemption draweth nigh.
Have loved ones gone? does earth look drear?
Look up! shed not that bitter tear.
2 What though the heart is saddened now,
And shadows gather on thy brow,
And grief the bosom heaveth still?
Look up! submit to Heaven's own will.
3 Do trials unexpected rise?
Look up! and view the glorious prize;
Let not life's sorrows press you down;
Look up! prepare to take the crown.
4 Lift up your head, rejoice and sing;
Look up! by faith behold your King.
He soon is coming, heed his call;
Look up! and make your God your all.
5 He'll come, all troubles here to end;
He'll come, a never-failing friend;
He'll come to take his children home;
Look up! and pray, "Lord, quickly come."
Source: The Seventh-Day Adventist Hymn and Tune Book: for use in divine worship #792