1 Look not at the things that are passing away,
But look to the mansions on high;
Look not for the joys that can last but a day,
For the fairest of flowers must die.
Then look to the Saviour above,
For life doth abide in his love;
Then look to him now,
At his cross humbly bow,
Oh, look to the Saviour above.
2 Look not for great wealth, for it never will last,
But look for the riches of grace;
Look not for earth’s honors that quickly are passed,
Seek rather in heaven thy place. [Refrain]
3 Secure the rich treasures of faith, love, and peace,
Fit thy soul for the mansions on high;
Look well to thy record ere life’s work shall cease,
And thy spirit immortal shall fly. [Refrain]
Source: Songs of Love and Praise No. 4 #147