Looking back, O God, we wonder of that time in history
When the early settlers gathered, building this community.
Children did their chores and played here; men and women worked the land.
Sundays, Lord, they knelt and prayed here, seeking your protecting hand.
Looking to your love, we worship as your people long have done,
Sharing bread and Word and friendship, singing praises to your Son.
Bricks of old are such a treasure, well-worn pews proclaim our past;
But your love beyond all measure is the treasure that will last.
Looking out, we see our neighbors, and—in each one—Jesus’ face.
God, we offer you our labors so that all will know your grace.
As we witness all around us, as we welcome strangers in,
As we help those lost and homeless, your church welcomes you again.
Looking on to where we’re going, God, we wonder what will be;
Yet we trust your Spirit, knowing you will guide our ministry.
You give each new generation ways to praise you, work to do;
God, be with this congregation as we keep on serving you.
Source: Songs of Grace: new hymns for God and neighbor #48