1 Looking for our Lord and Savior,
Coming on the clouds of Heav’n,
Clad in power and shining glory,
Come to end the reign of sin.
Long foretold by prophets, seers:
First the tribulation ends,
Then the sun and moon will darken,
And the stars shall fall from Heav’n.
2 All the heavens’ powers are shaken,
And appears the sign on high,
That the Son of Man, returning,
Once again to earth draws nigh.
All the tribes of earth now mourning,
As they hear the trumpet blast,
And they look on Him they piercèd,
Weeping bitter tears at last.
3 First He sends His reaper angels
To uproot and bind the weeds,
Set in bundles for the furnace,
As befits their evil deeds.
Sown by Satan’s evil malice,
Children of the wicked one,
They refused to bend the knee,
And to bow to God’s own Son.
4 Then shall all the righteous shine forth
In their Father’s kingdom grand;
See them gathered from the four winds
And the earth’s remotest land,
His elect from every nation,
All the saints Heav’n’s borders hold,
All the children of the kingdom,
Gathered to the Shepherd’s fold.
5 So He severs just from wicked,
Rebels casts into the fire;
From the furnace hear the wailing,
Gnashing teeth upon the pyre.
All with ears, now hear the lesson:
Day and hour, no one knows;
So be ready for the harvest,
Be the wheat that golden grows.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #12539