Display Title: Our Refuge in the Lord First Line: Lord, hear the right, attend my cry Tune Title: HERMANN Meter: C. M. Scripture: Psalm 17 Date: 1912 Subject: Aspirations | For Heaven; Aspirations | For Holiness; Aspirations | For Peace and Rest; Bible | Instrument of Salvation; Christ | Light and Guide; Christians | Heirs of Heaven; Death | Comfort In; Etermal Life | ; Fidelity | ; God | Hearer of Prayer; God | Righteousness of; Heart | Good, Perfect, Pure and Upright; Heaven | ; Patience | ; Perseverance | ; Prayer | For Pardon; Prayer | Pleas in; Prayer | Sincerity in; Providence of God | Over Saints; Resurrection | ; Sin | Salvation from; Sincerity | ; The Christian's Reward | ; The Wicked | Separation from; Trust in God | Blessedness of; Worship | Sincerity in
The Psalter #33b