1 Lord, make today one day for thee;
Lead, lest I stray, O lead thou me;
Give faith to trust when naught I see,—
Lord, make today one day for thee.
One day for thee, one day for thee!
O Lord and Master, make this a day for thee!
One day for thee, one day for thee!
Lord, make today one day for thee.
2 Lord, make today one day for thee;
Lived at thy side O may it be;
Lest I should fall, O hold thou me,—
Lord, make today one day for thee. [Refrain]
3 Lord, make today one day for thee;
Hold thou full sway, dear Lord, o’er me;
Guide thou my tho’ts—first, let this be:—
Lord, make today one day for thee. [Refrain]
4 Lord, make today one day for thee;
And each today give unto me,
This answered prayer ever to be—
Lord, make today one day for thee. [Refrain]
5 Lord, make today one day for thee,
Till all todays life’s day shall be;
And then from heav’n, O let me see
All of life’s day one day for thee. [Refrain]
Source: Sunday School Voices: a collection of sacred songs #79