1 Lord, Thou hast favor shown Thy land,
Restored again Thy captive band;
Thy people's sins Thou pardoned hast,
And all their guilt hast covered o'er,
Removed from them Thy anger sore,
All Thy fierce wrath behind Thee cast.
2 In grace Thy people, Lord, return,
Nor longer let Thy anger burn;
Wilt Thou forever angry be?
Through ages shall Thy wrath survive?
Wilt Thou not us again revive,
That so we may rejoice in Thee?
3 O Lord, to us Thy mercy show,
And Thy salvation now bestow;
We wait to hear what God will say;
Peace to His people He will speak,
And to His saints, but let them seek
No more in folly's path to stray.
The Psalter: with responsive readings, 1912