1 Merrily, cheerily,
Let us sing;
Highest praise
Let us raise
To our King;
Over land, over sea,
Send the strain,
Christ the Saviour lives again;
He lives to save the world from sin;
He lives to bring the wand’rers in;
He is our Saviour, praise Him forever,
Hail our risen Lord!
He arose, He arose,
He arose a victor over death;
Shout aloud He arose,
He arose from the grave,
All hail to our risen Lord.
2 Raise the strain,
Once again,
Scatter gloom;
He arose,
Conqu’ring foes
From the tomb;
On the air, sweet and clear,
Hear the song;
Let the earth the sound prolong;
He burst the bars that held him bound;
He scattered light on all around;
He is our Saviour, praise him forever,
Hail our risen Lord! [Refrain]
3 Night is past, day at last
O’er us gleams;
Light of love,
From above,
On us beams;
See today, on our way,
All is bright;
Past is now the gloom of night;
We come today with grateful lay
To praise the Lord of light and day;
He is our Saviour, praise Him forever,
Hail our risen Lord! [Refrain]
Source: The Service of Praise #176