1 My soul today is mounting up
As if on eagle’s wings,
And with a free, exultant voice
This song it gladly sings:
O hallelujah! I am free;
The precious blood avails for me;
And now, just now, all through my soul,
Great waves of glory surge and roll,
Since Jesus made me whole.
2 I know His wondrous pow’r to save,
His grace so full and free;
His presence fills my soul today
With joyous liberty! [Refrain]
3 As ocean billows rise and fall,
And sweep from pole to pole,
So waves of glory, strong and high,
Are sweeping o’er my soul. [Refrain]
4 I know the one whom I’ve believed,
To whom my all is giv’n;
I know He’ll keep me safe on earth,
And guide me home to heav’n. [Refrain]
Source: Hymns of the Kingdom: for use in religious meetings #40