1 My soul was long a stranger
To Jesus and His love;
I would not hear the gospel
Of mercy from above;
I would not come, repenting,
The sinner’s prayer to lift;
Nor would I take, believing,
Salvation as a gift.
But now I’m not a stranger,
At His feet I love to bend;
But not I’m not a stranger,
Jesus is my Friend.
2 I kept my heart from Jesus,
Lest He should enter in,—
Lest He should sanctify it,
And take away tis sin;
I grieved the Holy Spirit,
Whose pleadings were in vain;
For I was prone and willing
In bondage to remain. [Refrain]
3 I thought His gracious promise
Did not apply to me;
A follower of Jesus
I did not care to be;
The path in which I wandered,
No comfort could afford;
And sin did keep and hold me
A stranger to my Lord. [Refrain]
Source: The Glad Refrain for the Sunday School: a new collection of songs for worship #120