1 Not alone in this world Christ has left us,
Tho’ the sight of His face be denied,
For His pray’r has been graciously answered,
And the Spirit has come to abide.
2 Chorus;
Not alone, no, not alone;
He has come to abide with his own;
God has sent the Comforter;
He has come to abide with His own.
3 ‘Tis the promise of God to his children,
Unto all who on Jesus believe,
For the world hath not seen Him or known Him,
And the Comforter cannot receive.
4 He brings peace which the world cannot offer,
And the sorrows of life lighter grow;
While our lives become strangely transfigured,
With the light of His presence aglow.
5 Here is rest from our struggling and trying,
Ev’ry need shall be fully supplied;
There is fulness of blessing forever,
When the Comforter comes to abide.
Source: Light and Life Songs: adapted especially to sunday schools, prayer meetings and other social services #113