1 Oh, a lovely valley where living waters flow,
Is the very gate of heaven;
And the blooming flowers in sweet profusion grow,
‘Tis the very gate of heaven.
Hosanna, praise His name forever,
All gladness to my heart is given;
This is none other than the house of God,
And the very gate of heav’n.
2 This our Beulah Land where the sun is ever bright,
Is the very gate of heaven;
Here our clouds of sorrow give way to heav’nly light,
‘Tis the very gate of heaven. [Refrain]
3 Let all hearts unite in the praises of His name,
Is the very gate of heaven;
As we sing for aye worthy, worthy is the Lamb,
‘Tis the very gate of heaven. [Refrain]
Source: Crowning Day No. 5 #63