¡Oh, Amor que no me dejarás!

Representative Text

1 ¡Oh! Amor, que no me dejarás,
descansa mi alma siempre en ti;
es tuya y Tú la guardarás,
y en el océano de tu amor
más rica al fin será.

2 ¡Oh! Luz que en mi sendero vas,
mi antorcha débil rindo a ti;
su luz apaga el corazón,
seguro de encontrar en ti
más bello resplandor.

3 Oh! Gozo que buscarme aquí
viniste con mortal dolor;
tras la tormenta el arco vi,
y ya el mañana, yo lo sé,
sin más dolor será.

4 Oh! Cruz que miro sin cesar,
mi orgullo, gloria y vanidad,
al polvo dejo, por hallar
la vida que en su sangre dio
Jesús, mi Salvador.

Source: El Himnario Presbiteriano #348

Translator: Vicente Mendoza

Vicente Mendoza Born: De­cem­ber 24, 1875, Guad­a­la­ja­ra, Mex­i­co. Died: 1955, Mex­i­co Ci­ty, Mex­i­co. Mendoza stu­died in­i­tial­ly un­der Don Au­re­lio Or­te­ga. At age of 11 he went to work in a Pro­test­ant print shop in Mex­i­co Ci­ty and helped pro­duce El Evan­gel­is­ta Mex­i­ca­no (The Mex­i­can Evan­gel­ist) for the Meth­od­ist Church of the South; he rose to be­come its di­rect­or for 17 years. Look­ing to im­prove him­self, Men­do­za en­tered a night school for work­ers, but lat­er feel­ing the call to preach the Gos­pel, he en­tered the Pres­by­ter­i­an Sem­in­a­ry in Mex­i­co Ci­ty. When the sem­in­a­ry closed temp­o­rar­i­ly, Men­do­za en­tered the… Go to person page >

Author: George Matheson

Matheson, George, D.D., was born at Glasgow, March 27, 1842, and although deprived of his eyesight in youth he passed a brilliant course at the University of Edinburgh, where he graduated M.A. in 1862. In 1868 he became the parish minister at Innellan; and subsequently of St. Bernard's, Edinburgh. He was the Baird Lecturer in 1881, and St. Giles Lecturer in 1882. He has published several important prose works. His poetical pieces were collected and published in 1890 as Sacred Songs, Edinburgh: W. Blackwood. In addition to his hymn "O Love that wilt not let me go" (q. v.), four others from his Sacred Songs are in Dr. A. C. Murphey's Book of Common Song, Belfast, 1890. --John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, Appendix, Part II (1907)… Go to person page >

Text Information

First Line: ¡Oh, Amor que no me dejarás!
English Title: O Love that wilt not let me go
Author: George Matheson
Translator: Vicente Mendoza
Language: Spanish
Copyright: Public Domain



Instances (1 - 19 of 19)

Cáliz de Bendiciones #255

Cántico Nuevo #268

TextPage Scan

Culto Cristiano #247

Page Scan

El Himnario #314

Page Scan

El Himnario #348

El Himnario Bautista de la Gracia #352

Page Scan

El Himnario para el uso de las Iglesias Evangelicas de Habla Espanola en Todo el Mundo #231

TextPage Scan

El Himnario Presbiteriano #348

Page Scan

El Nuevo Himnario Popular (Edicion Revisada y Corregida) #142

Himnario Bautista #355

Himnario de Alabanza Evangélica #355

Himnario Metodista #71

Page Scan

Himnos de Gloria #162

Himnos de Gloria #162

Himnos de Gloria #162

Page Scan

Himnos de Gloria #162

Page Scan

Himnos Selectos #228

Melodias Evangelicas para el Uso de las Iglesias Evangelicas de Habla Española en Todo el Mundo #59

Page Scan

Mil Voces para Celebrar #255

Exclude 14 pre-1979 instances
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