Display Title: The Risen Christ First Line: O breath of God, come fill this place Tune Title: THE RISEN CHRIST Author: Keith Getty; Phil Madeira Meter: LM Scripture: Matthew 21:9; Luke 24:13-35; Romans 13:11-12; Ephesians 4:3-4; Philippians 3:10 Date: 2011 Subject: Body of Christ | ; Bread | ; Breath | ; Church | ; Doxology | ; Giving | ; Grace | ; Hearts | ; Holiness | ; Holy Trinity | ; Jesus Christ | Resurrection and Exaltation; Life | ; Mind | ; Muisic for Liturgies | ; Name of Jesus Christ | ; Refreshment | ; Renewal | ; Revive | ; Rise Up | ; Risen Christ | ; Sacrifice | ; Service Music | Offertory; Sleeping | ; Trust | ; Unity | ; Word of God |
Worship and Song #3179