1 O God, command Thy people's strength,
For power, Lord, we need
To take away the fear of death,
And make us free indeed.
O Lord, for pow'r, we plead this hour,
To make us free, and free indeed;
That we each day, may keep Thy way,
The power, Lord, we need.
2 We pardon crave for ev'ry sin,
But more than that we plead;
Baptize us in the Holy Ghost,
And make us free indeed. [Refrain]
3 We beg Thee, Father, day by day;
This strength divine impart,
That Christ, the holiness of God,
May dwell in ev'ry heart. [Refrain]
4 No more in weakness let us dwell,
But promised grace supply,
We pray to be endued afresh,
With power from on high. [Refrain]
5 O keep our hearts upon Thee stayed,
Thy law stamped there upon;
And keep our love and zeal aflame
Till life's brief race is run. [Refrain]
6 We only in our Lord would live
From sin and sickness free,
Led by Thy Spirit, in Thy love,
Till Thy bright throne we see. [Refrain]
Source: His Fullness Songs #138