O God, my strength and fortitude. T. Sternhold. [Ps. xviii.] This version of the xviiith Psalm appeared in the Old Version, 1561, and was repeated in all the subsequent editions of the Old Version. In the older hymn-books a cento therefrom was in somewhat extensive use in Great Britain and America. It began,
“The Lord descended from above
And bow'd the heavens high:
And underneath His feet he cast
The darkness of the sky,"
and consisted of stanzas ix., x. and i., in the order named. In some collections the second line reads "And bow'd the heavens most high," and an additional stanza is placed between sts. ii. and iii., as "He sat serene upon the floods," an altered form of Sternhold's version of Ps. xxix. 10.
--John Julian, Dictionary of Hymnology, New Supplement (1907)