1 Oh, guilty sinner, come and find
Forgiveness full and free,
Thro’ precious blood which once was shed
By Christ Himself, for thee.
This moment, resting on the blood,
Thou may’st at once receive
Eternal life, the gift to those
Who on His name believe.
The blood of Jesus intercedes,
The blood of Jesus intercedes,
The blood of Jesus intercedes,
Oh, trembling sinner, come.
2 Oh, come, and welcome, to my heart,
The blood of Jesus cries;
See thy salvation’s work complete,
In my great sacrifice.
It justifies, it sanctifies,
It makes the sinner shine
In spotless robes of righteousness
Wrought by a hand divine. [Refrain]
3 It arms the soul, by faith, to fight
The battles of the Lord,
It gives the vict’ry over sin,
Thro’ God’s abiding Word.
While resting on th’atoning blood,
E’en Jordan’s waves are riv’n—
It marks the bright ascent to God,
It lands the soul in heav’n. [Refrain]
4 There great triumphant songs of praise,
Are sung to Him, who died
On blood besprinkled Calvary,—
Immanuel crucified.
Oh, may we now with thankful hearts,
Receive Him and adore,
Lest He should stand and wait, and knock,
And plead with us no more. [Refrain]
Source: The Finest of the Wheat No. 2 #40