1 Oh, love divine and wondrous deep,
How strong that shepherd’s claim,
Who not alone doth lead His sheep,
But calleth each by name;
His voice we hear and follow all, follow all,
His guiding steps and gracious call, gracious call,
Whose voice we hear and follow all, follow all,
His guiding steps and gracious call.
2 I sought His blessèd cross alone,
Bowed down with sin and shame,
He met me there, in loving tone
He called to me by name;
All weary with my fruitless quest, fruitless quest,
I told Him all and thus found rest, thus found rest,
And weary with my fruitless quest, fruitless quest,
I told Him all and thus found rest.
3 I wondered, Lord, that Thou couldst know
Thus well the one who came,
Till Thou didst whisper sweet and low,
"I always knew thy name;
I give thee now My seal and sign, seal and sign,
That all may know that thou art Mine, thou art Mine;
I give thee now My seal and sign, seal and sign,
That all may know that thou art Mine."
4 Now gently guiding safe along,
His care remains the same,
Whose love appeareth tenfold strong,
Who knows His own by name,
And leads them out the shadows gray, shadows gray,
His ransomed up to perfect day, perfect day,
And leads from out the shadows gray, shadows gray,
His ransomed up to perfect day.
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8615