1 O my Jesus! O my Jesus!
Bridegroom of my Heart,
Who espoused, who espoused,
To my Nature Art;
Thou, my Love, hast bore my Blame,
Thy dear Wounds and lovely Name,
Deep imprest upon my Breast,
Shall always be my Flame.
2 O was ever, O was ever,
Lover like the Lamb!
No, no, never, no, no, never,
Was so true a Flame,
As what burns on Jesu's Blood,
As the dying Love of God,
God-like glorious, Love's victorious,
Though by Hell withstood.
3 In my Weakness, in my Weakness,
There I always see
Constant Witness, constant Witness,
That thy Love is free:
Empty I, of Goodness void,
Whilst on thee, my Lamb, I'm staid,
Thou art Love, and this I prove,
And shall not be afraid.
4 Mercy raises, mercy raises,
My lost Nature high;
Love amazes, love amazes,
Whilst I, wond'ring, cry:
O my Love! how kind thine Heart,
Taking of my Flesh a Part;
In thy Body, once so bloody,
I am as thou art.
Source: Christian Hymns, Poems, and Spiritual Songs: sacred to the praise of God our Saviour #I.XVII