1 O ransomed souls, with joyous song
Press along to Glory land;
Extolling grace that saves the race,
Press along to Glory land.
Press along, glad soul, press along,
Giving out the message grand;
Letting love, God’s love, be your song,
Press along to Glory land.
2 The foe may rave, but Christ will save,
Press along to Glory land;
The storm may sweep, but He will keep,
Press along to Glory land. [Chorus]
3 To join once more those gone before,
Press along to Glory land;
With saints to sing before the King,
Press along to Glory land. [Chorus]
4 The crown to wear forever there,
Press along to Glory land;
To sing His praise thro’ countless days,
Press along to Glory land. [Chorus]
Source: The Majestic Hymnal, number two #202