1 Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
Who knocks for you today?
Will you open and bid Him enter,
Or turn from Him away?
I will open my heart’s door gladly,
And crown Him there today;
I will trust in His blood most precious,
To wash my sins away.
2 Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
When storms your soul appall?
Will you then seek another refuge,
Or for His presence call? [Refrain]
3 Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
When you at last must die?
Can you call on Him then to aid you,
Or will He have passed by? [Refrain]
4 Oh, what will you do with Jesus,
When at His throne you stand?
Will you then be with these rejoicing,
Or sink at His left hand? [Refrain]
5 When you come to the final judgment,
The question then will be,
Not how you will dispose of Jesus,
But how He will of thee. [Refrain]
Select Hymns, 1911 (Timeless Truths)