1 O ye sons of men, be wise;
Trust no longer dreams and lies.
Out of Christ, almighty power
Can do nothing but devour.
2 God, you say, is good. ’Tis true,
But he’s pure and holy too;
Just and jealous in his ire,
Burning with vindictive fire.
3 [This of old himself declared;
Israel trembled when they heard.
But the proof of proofs indeed
Is, he sent his Son to bleed.
4 When the blessed Jesus died,
God was clearly justified.
Sin to pardon without blood
Never in his nature stood.]
5 Worship God, then, in his Son;
There he’s love and there alone;
Think not that he will, or may,
Pardon any other way.
6 [See the suffering Son of God
Panting, groaning, sweating blood!
Brethren, this had never been
Had not God detested sin.]
7 Be his mercy, therefore, sought
In the way himself has taught;
There his clemency is such,
We can never trust too much.
8 He that better knows than we,
Bids us now to Jesus flee;
Humbly take him at his word,
And your souls shall bless the Lord.
Source: A Selection of Hymns for Public Worship. In four parts (10th ed.) (Gadsby's Hymns) #789