1 O’er Bethlehem’s bright and sunny plain,
There comes a holy calm,
In solemn tones there Sharon waves
Her beauteous trees of palm.
Let hills, let hills and vales their voice unite,
And greet, and greet with us in lofty praise,
And greet with us in lofty praise,
The Day-Spring from on high;
Be glory, honor unto Him
Who on this day was born.
2 Be glory, honor unto Him,
Who on this day was born,
With heart and voice join in the strain,
This holy, sacred morn. [Refrain]
3 All nations catch the glory theme,
And our Messiah praise,
Let every tongue His honor speak,
And sing in joyful lays. [Refrain]
4 Far on the listening ear of night,
Comes sweet and sacred song,
The angels from their lofty height,
The mighty strain prolong. [Refrain]
Source: The Cyber Hymnal #8557